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How to find out if you’re a dog or cat person

This topic actually kept myself busy for quite a while.

I love dogs and that how caring they can behave around their favorite people.

But there’s something special about cats as well…

They can keep themselves busy for a long time and seem kind of elegant.

Now if you want to find out what you prefer, stay with me and we’ll see in the next few minutes!

How do you feel in the mornings?

Do you literally jump out of bed as soon the sun rises and like to interact with other people immediately?

Then you will be happy with a dog.

He has to go outside in the morning for special needs and also for moving around enough.

Therefore, you will either way meet other dog-owners and they would want to make at least a bit of smalltalk.

So if you are a dog person, you will have fun and don’t have to put extra energy into it.

Or ist the clear opposite the case?

It’s hard for you to get out of bed in the mornings and really don’t want to meet up with other people. Then you are a cat person!

Sure it’s also possible, that it would wake you up really early in the day for food, but it doesn’t have to go outside like a dog.

Even if it wants to leave your home for a while, it can go by itself and doesn’t need accompany by you.

Therefore, there will be more time for yourself to sleep a little more, get e shower and get a nice breakfast.

There are also more factors to look at. We will look at them in the next posts.

Thanks reading so far :)

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